Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Exquisite Corpe

Each section of this piece was done by someone different. This is shows that different people interpret things differently and their imaginations. This activity relate to surrealism by using different ideas from different people and making it one final project.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Dada Final


Color Block
Halftone Screen

At first I didn't like it. Then later on I thought it was pretty interesting and is just something new. I enjoyed the end results i think they look interesting! I more of a perfectionist that's why I didn't feel that dada was something I would like

This ties into aspects of dada by the way we were cutting things and placing them into random order. Dada is all about abstract and we used that throughout this whole project

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Questions about art

Questions about Art
  1.  A work of art is something someone made by using their imagination and skill in the process. There are many different qualities found in art work there are bright happy painting and you have dark and sad painting. Also lines shapes and more describe qualities found in art works.
  2. Art work should provide both the maker and viewer a type of emotion that being happy or sad. I also think both the viewer and the maker should see a story behind the art work itself
  3. People make art because of religion beliefs, political and educational. Also people make art to please them or someone else
  4. You can encounter art almost anywhere you go. You see art everywhere either that be a painting or simply something someone invented like a bike.
  5. The role of the artist is to make a piece of art work to give emotion, ideas and opinions to the viewers.


Original quote: "Don't follow your dreams, chase them"


Monday, March 9, 2015

MoMA & Dada

World War I and Dada

  • Dada is a type of art movement influenced by World War I. Artist were not trying to impress they wanted to discuss. The ideals of Dada art came about form activities form small groups of artists and poets in Zurich. They wanted an alternate vision on the world.

Marcel Duchamp and the Readymade

  • The readymades defined the notion that art must be beautiful.  Duchamp used everyday objects to show a visual indifference. Duchamp paved the way for conceptional art.
  • This changes my expectations about what art can be because you have to put into consideration that DADA is art because someone had to put it together or just invent
    Bicycle Wheel
    BY:Marcel Duchamp
Chance Creations: Collage, Photomontage, and Assemblage

  •  Dada artists embraced chance, accident, and improvisation. Such forces figured prominently in their creation of collages assemblages, and photomontage—and subverted elements that had long defined artistic practice, like craft, control, and intentionality.
  • It was a form of personal protest and a tool for critiquing the increasingly mechanized, violent world in which they lived

Artist Collaboration
  • art lay not in the work produced, but in the act of making and collaborating with others to create new visions of the world.
Word Play
  • They used poetry and literature; turning words and letters into abstract form and stripping form