Monday, October 27, 2014


Color Layer


Black and White

Portraiture Shooting Assignment

I really enjoyed this unit. I loved my model she was willing to do any pose and she even did her own thing which was cool as well. We had so much fun shooting we had so many laughs. It was also just fun to hangout and do school work at the same time. I would change the time that i took the pictures so my lighting would be a little better. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Portrait Examples

Revenda Bierley 
I like this picture because of the wide veritie of soccer stuff around her and I like how she incorporated her school jacket and medal that she received 

Revenda Bierley
I like this picture because i love the way she has a smirk on her face rather then a full smile. I also like how the hood looks around her heard. Lastly I love the way the eyes look as well

Revenda Bierley
I like this picture because I love the background and how the corn is blurred out while the picture is focuses in the subject and the gazebo.

Revenda Bierley
I love this picture because I love the way her arms are crossed and how the creed and flag are the background

Revenda Bierley
I like this picture because she just has a straight face (serious) which makes this photograph interesting and almost intimidating 

Elaine Gates 
I like this photo because I like how she is leaning against the fence and how this picture brings out the country side of her
Elaine Gates
I like this picture because I like how she focused on the subject and the background is blurred and I also like how the background is water 

                                                                           Bill Hench
I like how she is looking off in the distance rather then at the camera and I like how the texture on the fence is showing in this photo

Colleen and co
I like how she used props in this photo to make it more personal like having her jersey and having her medal with her as well

Revenda Bierley
I like this photo because I love how the water is rushing over her legs and it expresses the detail o the water 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Senior Portait Article


  • Represent something important to the client
  • use objects that are in focus with the client blurred out in the background
  • It's important to get to know your client
  • Guys want to look like rock stars and Girls just want to look beautiful
  • Listen to the teens ideas for the season
  • Use unusual camera angles and use different type of lighting

Elaine Gates recap

I really enjoyed how Elaine Gates explained everything so clearly in the way she thinks is most useful to have a "perfect" picture. I learned that it's easier to fix your model before you take the picture rather then editing it in photoshop this will save a lot of time. I also learned that you never shoot up on your subject. Also you need to work with the wind and the sunlight. Have your model stand against the wind so the hair doesn't blow into your face. Also with the sunlight have your model stand behind the sun so the sun makes the subject look glowing.