Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Social Issue PSA

  • My social issue is women in the military;and that females are excepted the military.
  • there is a personal connection to this because my sister is in the military and want to make known the girls can do it too!
  • I hope to get the word out that it shouldn't matter on the gender that men and women who both serve for their country both make the same sacrifice.
  • Women who want to go into the military they know they are excepted. Also people in the US who think men are the only ones who can be US soldiers 

  1.  I really like the end result and I'm excited to show my family and my sister these ads!
  2. Some tips i would give to someone who does this project would be do a topic you yourself is interested in so doing this project will be fun! Doing something your passionate about also makes your work a whole lot better too.
  3. The most challenging aspect of this assignment for me would probably have to be the text, where to place it what to say and what font to use to make the ad more interesting. The thing i thought i did well was overlaying photos in my project and keeping the unity between the two ads.

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