Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Rene Margritte and Surrealism

1.     What is surrealism? Surrealism is a creative potential of the unconscious mind.
2.     What motif did Magritte use in many of his works? Why was this significant? The man wearing a bowler hat became his motif throughout his paintings this is significant because it is a self-portrait.
3.     In his work Golconda, why is it important that Magritte varied the image of the man in the bowler hat?  How does it add depth to the work? It was important that Magritee varied the size of the man in this picture to give this picture a better depth of field. By making the men bigger it made the viewer feel like the man were closer than the ones that were smaller. Also he used he painted more detail on the men closer to you in the picture.
4.     Why did surreal artists choose to create strange worlds with their art?
They explained since we already know what the world look why don’t we express our dreaming minds, which can create strange worlds.
5.     Explain how the techniques of juxtaposition, altered scale, and language help Magritte explore Surrealism.
Juxtaposing ordinary but unrelated thing could be a disorienting and powerful like waking up form a strange dream. An altered scale also gives that feeling of Surrealism as well as language. Surrealism is having creative ideas from your unconscious mind.
6.     What would be a few reasons why Magritte would cover the faces of his subjects?
Some reasons why Magritte would cover the face of his subjects is to hide the facial features, so the subject could potentially be anyone, He wants the viewer to guess what the object in front of the face is hiding and why that is.
7.     Why did Magritte strive for realism & precision in his paintings?

He believed it allowed the viewer to focus on the subject, instead of the techniques that were used to make the piece
Depth of field

Depth of field 

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