Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Processing the News

A.) The article is about editing. It expresses the difference between today's photographs and photographs taking awhile ago. It also explains how Photoshop is used and how it can improve your work. Sometimes though photoshop can make your photograph look fake and in photojournalism you want your photographs to look real and only do a little touch up if needed or none at all.

B.) I learned that people don't trust the news. If you would take a photo and edit it the readers wouldn't approve if it look unrealistic because you are trying to explain a real event and how are they suppose to believe that it is happening if you make the photograph look fake.

C.) For my final project I wont put any actions on the photographs so they don't  look fake. I also will do little or no editing to my pictures to make them look as realistic as possible.

Student Yearbook Guide

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Penn Live

A.)Harrisburg city officials react to grand jury decision on Ferguson shooting By: Wesley Robinson


B.) This article is about the shooting of Mike Brown. one November 24th the Grand Jury verdict was said that Darrien Willison would not be charged for the shooting of Mike Brown. In this article it also explains how the civilians are upset with the verdict. There were protesters outside with signs that said "black lives matter ". They thought because Mike Brown was black that was the reason why the verdict was what it was.

C.) The photo captures the protesters outside and the caios that the verdict created in the city. I like that this article provided so many different pictures and gave the readers and insight about what the citizens of Harrisburg thinks about the verdict on Mike Brown's death.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Photojournalism Project Proposal

   For this photojournalism project i am thinking to explain a story through college showcases for soccer. I want to express how important showcase tournaments are to your future in soccer. Going to showcases exposes you to college coaches. Going to theses are a great oppertunity to maybe receive a scholarship. I chose this becasue i am interested in going to college for soccer and want to know what the coaches are looking for and also show all the players what the coaches are looking for. This is personal to me because i love the sport and would enjoy learning about it a little more

Friday, November 7, 2014



My model was Morgan Baughman. She enjoys playing basketball and is a member of the CV girl's varsity basketball team. She is my best friend! Morgan is an amazing person she has a wonderful personality and would do anything for you. Theses picture represent her personality because it shows her athleticism and also shows her flip side of her out going personality. I loved doing this project because I enjoyed taking pictures that someone would cherish and want to have. I love the end result of this project. I'm excited to show Morgan this project!! I think she'll love it! I wanted to surprise my model on my final product for her birthday but I did show my parents and thought the final product was really good and loved what I did with the photos. One tip I would give to another person if they would do the same product would be to plan out what to do first and then go out and shoot and then go take the shots. The most challenging thing to achieve in this project would be to have the correct amount of light in my photos. One thing I think I did well would be that I believed that I choose nice locations to take the photos and that I planned out what I wanted to do before I went out and took pictures so it was more fun to take the pictures and not as stressful as it would be if I didn't plan out what I wanted.