Thursday, December 18, 2014

Social Issue Ad Campaign Examples

This is so true! People don't think about what can happen to others. Having distractions in the car is so dangerous because it takes your concentration off the road. Making people aware of what can happen will help them be more focused when they drive.

I really like this photo its very unique. I like how the kids in the cart actually look like they are sitting in the cart and "begging" for food. I think people should be aware of kids that are hungry because now days kids take everything for granted and all they do is think about themselves they never stop to think about the poor. They don't notice how lucky they are to have a roof over their head, food on the table and a family that loves them.

I think using babies for this add was a good idea because most people see all babies to be cute and equal. I think there are still people in the world that think African American should be slaves or just not be able to get good quality jobs. I believe all people should be treated equally.


  • Justice system/ minorities
  • media spin
  • don't be a bystander 
  • racism
  • discrimination 
  • addicted to technology
  •  body image
  •  Vegetarians/ vegans
  •  Bullying
  •  use of words 
  •  poverty 
  •  Gun control
  •  Military= freedom
  •  Gay rights
  •  Stress of school
  •  animal cruelty
  •  PTSD= military 
  • Drunk Driving 
  • Animal testing 
  • school lunches
  • child abuse 
  • abusive relationships 
  • drugs and alcohol
  • driving distractions ( texting, music, friends, phone, etc)
  • Abortion 
  • mental health stigmas
  • stereotypes
  • teen depression
  •  eating disorders
  • divorce
  • attitude 
  • rape
  • gender identity
  • identity
  • peer pressure
  • sexuality

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