Monday, December 1, 2014

Robin Bowman – It’s Complicated: The American Teenager

Robin Bowman is a freelance photojournalist specializing in portrait and documentary photograph. Her work has taken her around the world including Mexico, Haiti, Israel, Bosnia, Finland, Peru, Nepal, Rwanda and Cuba to cover stories that have appeared in international Publications. Her latest book "Its Complicated" The American Teenagers is a culmination of five years criss crossing the country to produce 419 collaborating portraits. Bowman headed the photography department at friends seminary in Manhattan for two years. She runs workshops to promote tolerance and social awareness for students and teachers. The American Teenager Project

I like how all her work has a special connection to her and I also like how passionate she is while taking the photo it shows through her work. I wish she would use some color photos in her to expresses the feeling of the picture in a different way. This is photojournalism because instead of adding a caption under the photograph Robin just expresses her thoughts through the picture itself the photo tells the story not the words.

This picture show a white women with an african american man. This photo show how society  has changed and how the african americans are treated on the same level as whites this could also make others uncomfortable.

This photograph shows a larger boy with average size boys. This is expressing no matter how big you are there will always be people that will except you for who you are. It shouldn't matter your size race or age.

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