Tuesday, September 23, 2014

HDR School Examples

ISO:400 F/Stop: 22 Shutter Speed: 1/4, 1/15, 1.0 
  choose this location to take a  photo of the eagle because the eagle at CV is our mascot and means a lot to the school. 
ISO: 400   F/Stop: 20    Shutter Speed: 1/125, 1/150, 1/30
I choose this location because this is where I was everyday after school in the fall and is significant  to me. I really like this photo because I love the way the clouds look and just love how the picture itself look appealing.

ISO: 400    F/Stop: 22   Shutter Speed: 1/125, 1/150, 1/30
 I choose this location because I thought the repetition of the trees would make the picture more interesting

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