Monday, September 29, 2014


ISO: 400 F/Stop Shutter Speed 1/400, 1/1600, 1/100

I choose this location the creek because I really enjoy spending my summer in and by water. I have had so many great memories here at the Yellow Breaches. I have gone tubing with my best friend and got lucky because we happened to be at the right spot at the right time we were asked to be in the newspaper titled Beat the Heat. I will always remember that day so therefore this location is important to me.

ISO: 400, F/Stop: 20, Shutter Speed: 1/80, 1/320, 1/20
I have chosen this location a farm near my house to express how much I enjoy living in the country. I have been born and raised living near farms. I enjoy the peacefulness and on Friday nights the sound of racecars form Williams Grover Speed Way.

ISO: 400, F/stop, Shutter Speed: 1/400, 1/1600, 1/100
I have chosen this location the soccer field because I have been play soccer since I was 4. Soccer has been a big part of my life. I have been lucky enough to experience what it feels like to be apart of a team that was number the one in the nation. Soccer has also shaped me for who I am today by teaching me time management, dedication and discipline.

Leading Lines
ISO: 400, F/Stop: 16 , Shutter Speed 1/400,  1/1600, 1/100
I have chosen this location the train tracks to shown that I enjoy traveling. I love to go and explore other states and also other countries as well. I love traveling with my family and being able to share the memories with them.

ISO: 400 ,F/Stop:16 ,Shutter Speed: 1/400,1/1600, 1/100

I have chosen this location the stadium to represent that I enjoy going to football games. I love going out and hanging with my friends and I love when we do paint wars as well. I also enjoy watching my friends play. I like when we play a school where my friends go and I can hangout with them and catch up.

Worm's Eye
ISO:400, F/Stop: 18, Shutter Speed, 1/80, 1/320, 1/20
I have chosen this location my house because it's defiantly an important pa
rt of my life. I have lived here since I was born. I have had so many memories in this house! I said my first word, took my first step, learn how to ride a bike. I have done everything in this house, that's why its so important to me. 

How are your thoughts on HDR and the visuals they produce?

  I really like using HDR because I love the final product. It makes the pictures more crisp and more appealing to the eye.

How did light affect your photo?

   Using three different shutter speeds to get three different pictures with different lighting makes your picture bright and show details in every spot. I love the way the final product looks.

1 comment:

  1. Which picture goes with...
    Symmetrical balance
    The picture of the creek

    Repetition / pattern
    The bleachers

    Different point of view / perspective
    The grass/ her house

    Asymmetrical balance
    The farm

    Soccer field

    Lines (leading, diagonal, horizontal, vertical)
    leading lines- railroad tracks

    Which photo has the best composition? Why?
    I think the leading lines photo of the railroad tracks has the best composition.
    I also really like the reflection of the trees and sky on the track.

    Which photo would you hang on your wall? Why?
    I would hang the photo of the farm on my wall. I like that she edited it to be black and white. Although it isn't as clear as the other photos, I think it is well done.

    Which photo could use a little work? What needs done? (composition/lighting/cropping/camera angle/camera technique)
    I think the photo of the soccer field could use a little work. I think it could be better if the camera was angled differently or the photo was cropped so that the photo isn't on a slant.

    When looking at the entire set of images what do they say about the photographer? Can you determine anything about the person by looking at their photos? Do they tell a story or are they just a collection of images?
    The photos Tiff took say a lot about her. The picture of the soccer field ,for example, shows the sport is a big part of her life. All of the pictures tell a story together tell a story of what things mean the most to Tiff.
