Wednesday, May 27, 2015

valedictory Final

Old vs New

I chose to do old vs New because I think that its cool to see how technology has grown throughout the years. I wanted to use an overlay to show the change or the improvement of the technology used though out the years. I like the concept of my idea but i wish it would of come out bester and more appealing to the eye i think if i took more time and thought out what i was doing the project could have been better. I just thought it was a cool way to show the difference in objects but they were used for the same thing like a DVD and a VCR tape they both have movies on them but used in a different time frame just like all the other objects as well. I am interested in how life was different when my parents grew up and even how I grew up compared to the way the kids in todays world are growing up. Kids today have a lot more advancements than my parents had when they grew up. You can only image what the future holds in technology. The first picture shown, is a record a CD and a cassete tape these are all objects that are used to listen to music in different eras. The second picture shown is of an old cell phone key pad overlaid with the iPhone electronic key pad showing the improvement of the technology and the phones. The third picture is of remotes there is an xbox one remote that is overlaid with a nintendo 64 remote showing the improvement of video games in general. On the remotes you can see that one is defiantly more complex showing the improvement of the remotes. The 4th picture is of a gameboy and a wii remote. I wanted to show how games were handheld and kind of big vs a wireless game today. The last photo is of a VCR tape and a DVD showing the improvement of technology for showing movies. I really like how this shows the improvement of the technology through the years in one picture. 

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