Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Old vs New progress check


Interesting angles

Camera angles are used to position the viewer so that they can understand the relationships between the characters. 

 Sit Down: Gives you a lower perspective which gives you more verity to your work
Reflection:Reflections can be great tools for changing perspective. As well as the obvious choices such as landscapes reflected in mirror-like lakes, look for puddle
Go Wide:The camera then stitches the images together so you have a sweeping shot of the scene you're shooting.

Progress check 

I am doing old vs new via technology because the technology through the years have improved greatly. I think its cool to see the difference between the new and old form of video games, music, movies. I just feel that its interesting to see the improvement of technology through the years. I want to take pictures of say a DVD and then a VCR tape to show that they are the same thing they both play movies on it but have evolved. I want to overlay the two photos to represent that they are the same thing but different by the time period. I could use three as well because of the music there was records, casette tapes and now today there are CD. I just want to show/ express how the technology world is improving and how they are trying to keep things new.

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