Wednesday, May 27, 2015

valedictory Final

Old vs New

I chose to do old vs New because I think that its cool to see how technology has grown throughout the years. I wanted to use an overlay to show the change or the improvement of the technology used though out the years. I like the concept of my idea but i wish it would of come out bester and more appealing to the eye i think if i took more time and thought out what i was doing the project could have been better. I just thought it was a cool way to show the difference in objects but they were used for the same thing like a DVD and a VCR tape they both have movies on them but used in a different time frame just like all the other objects as well. I am interested in how life was different when my parents grew up and even how I grew up compared to the way the kids in todays world are growing up. Kids today have a lot more advancements than my parents had when they grew up. You can only image what the future holds in technology. The first picture shown, is a record a CD and a cassete tape these are all objects that are used to listen to music in different eras. The second picture shown is of an old cell phone key pad overlaid with the iPhone electronic key pad showing the improvement of the technology and the phones. The third picture is of remotes there is an xbox one remote that is overlaid with a nintendo 64 remote showing the improvement of video games in general. On the remotes you can see that one is defiantly more complex showing the improvement of the remotes. The 4th picture is of a gameboy and a wii remote. I wanted to show how games were handheld and kind of big vs a wireless game today. The last photo is of a VCR tape and a DVD showing the improvement of technology for showing movies. I really like how this shows the improvement of the technology through the years in one picture. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Old vs New progress check


Interesting angles

Camera angles are used to position the viewer so that they can understand the relationships between the characters. 

 Sit Down: Gives you a lower perspective which gives you more verity to your work
Reflection:Reflections can be great tools for changing perspective. As well as the obvious choices such as landscapes reflected in mirror-like lakes, look for puddle
Go Wide:The camera then stitches the images together so you have a sweeping shot of the scene you're shooting.

Progress check 

I am doing old vs new via technology because the technology through the years have improved greatly. I think its cool to see the difference between the new and old form of video games, music, movies. I just feel that its interesting to see the improvement of technology through the years. I want to take pictures of say a DVD and then a VCR tape to show that they are the same thing they both play movies on it but have evolved. I want to overlay the two photos to represent that they are the same thing but different by the time period. I could use three as well because of the music there was records, casette tapes and now today there are CD. I just want to show/ express how the technology world is improving and how they are trying to keep things new.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Surrealism Final

Tiff: The pose that I chose for my outside personality was to cover my hands over my face to signify that I am shy when you first meet me.  I feel I do become more outgoing after I know someone for awhile. My inside personality is shown through the rail road tracks. The track signify that I love to travel and explore new and different things.

Corinne: The pose that Corinne chose was to show that she is a more of a shy person and more reserved. The "inner" personality of Corinne is music. She is an amazing singer and she loves to play the piano.

Tiff: The pose that I chose to do was to "laugh" making my head go up in the air. This signifies that I like to make people laugh and i love to have a good time. The "inner" me is shown through a sunset and a rainbow. This is showing that i enjoy being outside and enjoy the beautiful senery around us.

Corinne: the "outer" personality of Corinne is shown through the pose when her hand is reaching for something showing that she is always determinted to do her best. The "inner" personality is shown though the sunset and the clouds this signify that she enjoys summers and loves to be outside.  

I really do like double exposure i think it gives the photos a cool and unique quality. Sometimes i would really like two photos that i thought they would go perfectly together and find out that they don't look good at all or not what i wanted. That is what was the most frustrating part of the whole project. I also like the concept of an "inner" you and and "outer"you in this project and make that one piece. All an all i really enjoyed this project.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Rene Margritte and Surrealism

1.     What is surrealism? Surrealism is a creative potential of the unconscious mind.
2.     What motif did Magritte use in many of his works? Why was this significant? The man wearing a bowler hat became his motif throughout his paintings this is significant because it is a self-portrait.
3.     In his work Golconda, why is it important that Magritte varied the image of the man in the bowler hat?  How does it add depth to the work? It was important that Magritee varied the size of the man in this picture to give this picture a better depth of field. By making the men bigger it made the viewer feel like the man were closer than the ones that were smaller. Also he used he painted more detail on the men closer to you in the picture.
4.     Why did surreal artists choose to create strange worlds with their art?
They explained since we already know what the world look why don’t we express our dreaming minds, which can create strange worlds.
5.     Explain how the techniques of juxtaposition, altered scale, and language help Magritte explore Surrealism.
Juxtaposing ordinary but unrelated thing could be a disorienting and powerful like waking up form a strange dream. An altered scale also gives that feeling of Surrealism as well as language. Surrealism is having creative ideas from your unconscious mind.
6.     What would be a few reasons why Magritte would cover the faces of his subjects?
Some reasons why Magritte would cover the face of his subjects is to hide the facial features, so the subject could potentially be anyone, He wants the viewer to guess what the object in front of the face is hiding and why that is.
7.     Why did Magritte strive for realism & precision in his paintings?

He believed it allowed the viewer to focus on the subject, instead of the techniques that were used to make the piece
Depth of field

Depth of field 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Outward vs Inward


I tend to dress more athletic then dressy. I usually wear t shits and my hair up. but there are times were I do try to look nice.


Funny: I enjoy making people laugh!

Outgoing/ Shy: When i first get to know someone I am pretty shy and once i become more comfortable i become outgoing!


Gentleness – Showing consideration and personal concern for others
Sensitivity – Perceiving the true attitudes and emotions of those around me.
hard working-tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent