Friday, December 19, 2014

Social Issue Project Proposal

  1.  I am plaining to build an advertising campaign around the military women and how they are seen to be looked as lower then the men 
  2.  This is a personal connection to me because my sister serves in the Army and I want to make sure that everyone sees that women and men both serve for this country and both have to past a pt test in order to graduate as well as the AIT tests
  3. People should be concerned about this issue because people don't see how much women are looked down on and they don't understand the sacrifices that these soldiers put forth to protect this country.
  4. You can motivate people to care about the military by showing videos and making documentaries about what the families have to deal with at a daily basses. This will motivate them by showing empathy to the families... caring and wanting to help the families in need
  5.    non profit organizations are soldiers angles which is a organization for veterans:"There were 36,000 women in the officer corps, or 16.6%, Among the top ranks, 69 of the 976 generals and admirals -- 7.1% -- were women. There were 28 female generals in the Air Force, 19 in the Army, one in the Marine Corps and 21 female admirals in the Navy.Among the enlisted ranks, women were most represented in the medical (30.5%) and administrative (30.1%) specialties. They made up about 17% of supply units, 14% of communications staff and 10% of electronics technicians."

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Social Issue Ad Campaign Examples

This is so true! People don't think about what can happen to others. Having distractions in the car is so dangerous because it takes your concentration off the road. Making people aware of what can happen will help them be more focused when they drive.

I really like this photo its very unique. I like how the kids in the cart actually look like they are sitting in the cart and "begging" for food. I think people should be aware of kids that are hungry because now days kids take everything for granted and all they do is think about themselves they never stop to think about the poor. They don't notice how lucky they are to have a roof over their head, food on the table and a family that loves them.

I think using babies for this add was a good idea because most people see all babies to be cute and equal. I think there are still people in the world that think African American should be slaves or just not be able to get good quality jobs. I believe all people should be treated equally.


  • Justice system/ minorities
  • media spin
  • don't be a bystander 
  • racism
  • discrimination 
  • addicted to technology
  •  body image
  •  Vegetarians/ vegans
  •  Bullying
  •  use of words 
  •  poverty 
  •  Gun control
  •  Military= freedom
  •  Gay rights
  •  Stress of school
  •  animal cruelty
  •  PTSD= military 
  • Drunk Driving 
  • Animal testing 
  • school lunches
  • child abuse 
  • abusive relationships 
  • drugs and alcohol
  • driving distractions ( texting, music, friends, phone, etc)
  • Abortion 
  • mental health stigmas
  • stereotypes
  • teen depression
  •  eating disorders
  • divorce
  • attitude 
  • rape
  • gender identity
  • identity
  • peer pressure
  • sexuality

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember

 " This day I will marry my best friend the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love."  Today is a special day for Courtney Wheeler, Nathan Rutter, and their families. Their wedding day was November 16th 2014 at the Masonic Village in  They choose  AtMasonic Village in Elizabethtown Pa, is where twoindividuals become one. 

There love for one another will finally be forever after 12 years of waiting for the perfect time and place to
 be Mrs.and Mr. Nathan Rutter.
a beautiful location for this special day. The Masonic Village had a calming pound and had beautiful flowers around it. Before the wedding the families began to chat and tried to catch up with each other. While the Bride was getting prepared for the wedding during the day by getting her nails done and also by going to get her hair done with the bridesmaids the groomsmen and the Groom were helping to 

The family is reunited to celebrate the love between the bride and groom         the ceremony perfect for Courtney and Nathan. When Courtney appointments were finished she returned to the Masonic Village she went straight to the room where her wedding gown was waiting for her. She believed if the Bride and Groom would see each other on the day of the wedding it's bad luck. When she arrived at the room she began to change into the dress but she began to tell us that she was nervous but Hugs and kisses are given to Nathan Rutter the groom before the ceremony begins by his mother 
Darby Rutter. She wishes him good luck and tells him to cherish this day and enjoy every moment of 
it and she sends her love to him.
at the same time was excited as well. While she said she was nervous Nathan told his mother that he was nervous too but he said he was also ready for the moment. While Darby Rutter his mother said to him don’t be just relax and enjoy every moment of this day. As the day dragged on for both of them the time has finally came the music started playing meanwhile the friends and family stood up and looked back as the bride was walking slowly down the steps with 
her loving father. She looked beautiful as she 

November 16th will always be a day to remember the love that Courtney 
Wheeler and Nathan Rutter share. No matter how old they become they will always 
celebrate their love for each other on this day.
walked down the aisle while her father was escorting her with a tear rolling down his face with joy and happiness for his daughter. Nathan gave a great big smile when he saw Courtney he said she looked amazing and I am so glad we are finally husband and wife.  After the ceremony there was a reception at the Susquehanna Club. At the reception they had their first dance as husband and wife. The reception was filled 

and happiness through singing and dancing. Both families have added another member today. Congrats Nathan and Courtney.

Helping to make Nathan's big day as perfect as possible his sister Courtney Rutter was by his side the whole time to show her support.

In loving fashion these two sisters Rena Brown and Kelly Stambaugh share many laughs at the reception.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Photojournalism Shooting Assignment

I loved taking these pictures because i helped capture a special moment. I loved taking shots outside but when the reception was inside it began to be difficult to take clear and interesting pictures.
Overall i enjoyed the experience of taking these pictures i had a good time while doing an assignment for school but its also was for Nathan and his new wife to cherish these memories and to remember the importance of that day.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Robin Bowman – It’s Complicated: The American Teenager

Robin Bowman is a freelance photojournalist specializing in portrait and documentary photograph. Her work has taken her around the world including Mexico, Haiti, Israel, Bosnia, Finland, Peru, Nepal, Rwanda and Cuba to cover stories that have appeared in international Publications. Her latest book "Its Complicated" The American Teenagers is a culmination of five years criss crossing the country to produce 419 collaborating portraits. Bowman headed the photography department at friends seminary in Manhattan for two years. She runs workshops to promote tolerance and social awareness for students and teachers. The American Teenager Project

I like how all her work has a special connection to her and I also like how passionate she is while taking the photo it shows through her work. I wish she would use some color photos in her to expresses the feeling of the picture in a different way. This is photojournalism because instead of adding a caption under the photograph Robin just expresses her thoughts through the picture itself the photo tells the story not the words.

This picture show a white women with an african american man. This photo show how society  has changed and how the african americans are treated on the same level as whites this could also make others uncomfortable.

This photograph shows a larger boy with average size boys. This is expressing no matter how big you are there will always be people that will except you for who you are. It shouldn't matter your size race or age.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Processing the News

A.) The article is about editing. It expresses the difference between today's photographs and photographs taking awhile ago. It also explains how Photoshop is used and how it can improve your work. Sometimes though photoshop can make your photograph look fake and in photojournalism you want your photographs to look real and only do a little touch up if needed or none at all.

B.) I learned that people don't trust the news. If you would take a photo and edit it the readers wouldn't approve if it look unrealistic because you are trying to explain a real event and how are they suppose to believe that it is happening if you make the photograph look fake.

C.) For my final project I wont put any actions on the photographs so they don't  look fake. I also will do little or no editing to my pictures to make them look as realistic as possible.

Student Yearbook Guide

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Penn Live

A.)Harrisburg city officials react to grand jury decision on Ferguson shooting By: Wesley Robinson

B.) This article is about the shooting of Mike Brown. one November 24th the Grand Jury verdict was said that Darrien Willison would not be charged for the shooting of Mike Brown. In this article it also explains how the civilians are upset with the verdict. There were protesters outside with signs that said "black lives matter ". They thought because Mike Brown was black that was the reason why the verdict was what it was.

C.) The photo captures the protesters outside and the caios that the verdict created in the city. I like that this article provided so many different pictures and gave the readers and insight about what the citizens of Harrisburg thinks about the verdict on Mike Brown's death.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Photojournalism Project Proposal

   For this photojournalism project i am thinking to explain a story through college showcases for soccer. I want to express how important showcase tournaments are to your future in soccer. Going to showcases exposes you to college coaches. Going to theses are a great oppertunity to maybe receive a scholarship. I chose this becasue i am interested in going to college for soccer and want to know what the coaches are looking for and also show all the players what the coaches are looking for. This is personal to me because i love the sport and would enjoy learning about it a little more

Friday, November 7, 2014



My model was Morgan Baughman. She enjoys playing basketball and is a member of the CV girl's varsity basketball team. She is my best friend! Morgan is an amazing person she has a wonderful personality and would do anything for you. Theses picture represent her personality because it shows her athleticism and also shows her flip side of her out going personality. I loved doing this project because I enjoyed taking pictures that someone would cherish and want to have. I love the end result of this project. I'm excited to show Morgan this project!! I think she'll love it! I wanted to surprise my model on my final product for her birthday but I did show my parents and thought the final product was really good and loved what I did with the photos. One tip I would give to another person if they would do the same product would be to plan out what to do first and then go out and shoot and then go take the shots. The most challenging thing to achieve in this project would be to have the correct amount of light in my photos. One thing I think I did well would be that I believed that I choose nice locations to take the photos and that I planned out what I wanted to do before I went out and took pictures so it was more fun to take the pictures and not as stressful as it would be if I didn't plan out what I wanted.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Color Layer


Black and White

Portraiture Shooting Assignment

I really enjoyed this unit. I loved my model she was willing to do any pose and she even did her own thing which was cool as well. We had so much fun shooting we had so many laughs. It was also just fun to hangout and do school work at the same time. I would change the time that i took the pictures so my lighting would be a little better. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Portrait Examples

Revenda Bierley 
I like this picture because of the wide veritie of soccer stuff around her and I like how she incorporated her school jacket and medal that she received 

Revenda Bierley
I like this picture because i love the way she has a smirk on her face rather then a full smile. I also like how the hood looks around her heard. Lastly I love the way the eyes look as well

Revenda Bierley
I like this picture because I love the background and how the corn is blurred out while the picture is focuses in the subject and the gazebo.

Revenda Bierley
I love this picture because I love the way her arms are crossed and how the creed and flag are the background

Revenda Bierley
I like this picture because she just has a straight face (serious) which makes this photograph interesting and almost intimidating 

Elaine Gates 
I like this photo because I like how she is leaning against the fence and how this picture brings out the country side of her
Elaine Gates
I like this picture because I like how she focused on the subject and the background is blurred and I also like how the background is water 

                                                                           Bill Hench
I like how she is looking off in the distance rather then at the camera and I like how the texture on the fence is showing in this photo

Colleen and co
I like how she used props in this photo to make it more personal like having her jersey and having her medal with her as well

Revenda Bierley
I like this photo because I love how the water is rushing over her legs and it expresses the detail o the water 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Senior Portait Article


  • Represent something important to the client
  • use objects that are in focus with the client blurred out in the background
  • It's important to get to know your client
  • Guys want to look like rock stars and Girls just want to look beautiful
  • Listen to the teens ideas for the season
  • Use unusual camera angles and use different type of lighting

Elaine Gates recap

I really enjoyed how Elaine Gates explained everything so clearly in the way she thinks is most useful to have a "perfect" picture. I learned that it's easier to fix your model before you take the picture rather then editing it in photoshop this will save a lot of time. I also learned that you never shoot up on your subject. Also you need to work with the wind and the sunlight. Have your model stand against the wind so the hair doesn't blow into your face. Also with the sunlight have your model stand behind the sun so the sun makes the subject look glowing.

Monday, September 29, 2014


ISO: 400 F/Stop Shutter Speed 1/400, 1/1600, 1/100

I choose this location the creek because I really enjoy spending my summer in and by water. I have had so many great memories here at the Yellow Breaches. I have gone tubing with my best friend and got lucky because we happened to be at the right spot at the right time we were asked to be in the newspaper titled Beat the Heat. I will always remember that day so therefore this location is important to me.

ISO: 400, F/Stop: 20, Shutter Speed: 1/80, 1/320, 1/20
I have chosen this location a farm near my house to express how much I enjoy living in the country. I have been born and raised living near farms. I enjoy the peacefulness and on Friday nights the sound of racecars form Williams Grover Speed Way.

ISO: 400, F/stop, Shutter Speed: 1/400, 1/1600, 1/100
I have chosen this location the soccer field because I have been play soccer since I was 4. Soccer has been a big part of my life. I have been lucky enough to experience what it feels like to be apart of a team that was number the one in the nation. Soccer has also shaped me for who I am today by teaching me time management, dedication and discipline.

Leading Lines
ISO: 400, F/Stop: 16 , Shutter Speed 1/400,  1/1600, 1/100
I have chosen this location the train tracks to shown that I enjoy traveling. I love to go and explore other states and also other countries as well. I love traveling with my family and being able to share the memories with them.

ISO: 400 ,F/Stop:16 ,Shutter Speed: 1/400,1/1600, 1/100

I have chosen this location the stadium to represent that I enjoy going to football games. I love going out and hanging with my friends and I love when we do paint wars as well. I also enjoy watching my friends play. I like when we play a school where my friends go and I can hangout with them and catch up.

Worm's Eye
ISO:400, F/Stop: 18, Shutter Speed, 1/80, 1/320, 1/20
I have chosen this location my house because it's defiantly an important pa
rt of my life. I have lived here since I was born. I have had so many memories in this house! I said my first word, took my first step, learn how to ride a bike. I have done everything in this house, that's why its so important to me. 

How are your thoughts on HDR and the visuals they produce?

  I really like using HDR because I love the final product. It makes the pictures more crisp and more appealing to the eye.

How did light affect your photo?

   Using three different shutter speeds to get three different pictures with different lighting makes your picture bright and show details in every spot. I love the way the final product looks.